

Authenticate users to your backend using only their wallet. This is a secure and easy way to authenticate users without requiring them to create an additional account.

Basic Auth

Add authentication to your app with a single component.

"use client";

import {
} from "@/app/connect/auth/server/actions/auth";
import { THIRDWEB_CLIENT } from "@/lib/client";
import { ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";

export function AuthButton() {
  return (
        // The following methods run on the server (not client)!
        isLoggedIn: async () => {
          const authResult = await isLoggedIn();
          if (!authResult) return false;
          return true;
        doLogin: async (params) => await login(params),
        getLoginPayload: async ({ address }) =>
          generatePayload({ address }),
        doLogout: async () => await logout(),

Gating content with Auth

Protect your page with thirdweb Auth. Deliver exclusive content to users who qualify.

import { THIRDWEB_CLIENT } from "@/lib/client";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
import { getAuthResult } from "@/app/connect/auth/server/actions/auth";
import { hasEnoughBalance } from "...";

export async function GatedContentPreview() {
  const jwt = cookies().get("jwt");
  if (!jwt?.value) {
    return <div>Log in to see the secret content</div>;
  const authResult = await getAuthResult(jwt.value);

  // For this example, we check if a user has more than 10 $TWCOIN
  // If pass -> Allow them to access the page.
  const userAddress = authResult.parsedJWT.sub;
  if (await hasEnoughBalance(userAddress)) {
    return (
      <div className="flex flex-col gap-5">
        You are logged in but you can't view the content
        because you don't own enough TWCOIN

  // Finally! We can load the gated content for them now
  return (
      Congratulations! You can see this message because you
      own more than 10 TWCOIN.
Log in to see the secret content