Authenticate users to your backend using only their wallet. This is a secure and easy way to authenticate users without requiring them to create an additional account.
Basic Auth
Add authentication to your app with a single component.
"use client";
import {
} from "@/app/connect/auth/server/actions/auth";
import { THIRDWEB_CLIENT } from "@/lib/client";
import { ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
export function AuthButton() {
return (
// The following methods run on the server (not client)!
isLoggedIn: async () => {
const authResult = await isLoggedIn();
if (!authResult) return false;
return true;
doLogin: async (params) => await login(params),
getLoginPayload: async ({ address }) =>
generatePayload({ address }),
doLogout: async () => await logout(),
Gating content with Auth
Protect your page with thirdweb Auth. Deliver exclusive content to users who qualify.
import { THIRDWEB_CLIENT } from "@/lib/client";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
import { getAuthResult } from "@/app/connect/auth/server/actions/auth";
import { hasEnoughBalance } from "...";
export async function GatedContentPreview() {
const jwt = cookies().get("jwt");
if (!jwt?.value) {
return <div>Log in to see the secret content</div>;
const authResult = await getAuthResult(jwt.value);
// For this example, we check if a user has more than 10 $TWCOIN
// If pass -> Allow them to access the page.
const userAddress = authResult.parsedJWT.sub;
if (await hasEnoughBalance(userAddress)) {
return (
<div className="flex flex-col gap-5">
You are logged in but you can't view the content
because you don't own enough TWCOIN
// Finally! We can load the gated content for them now
return (
Congratulations! You can see this message because you
own more than 10 TWCOIN.
Log in to see the secret content
Smart Account Auth
Use smart accounts with Sign in with Ethereum (SIWE)
"use client";
import {
} from "@/app/connect/auth/server/actions/auth";
import { THIRDWEB_CLIENT } from "@/lib/client";
import { ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
import { defineChain } from "thirdweb";
export function AuthButton() {
return (
chain: defineChain(17000),
sponsorGas: true,
// The following methods run on the server (not client)!
isLoggedIn: async () => {
const authResult = await isLoggedIn();
if (!authResult) return false;
return true;
doLogin: async (params) => await login(params),
getLoginPayload: async ({ address }) =>
generatePayload({ address }),
doLogout: async () => await logout(),